Does Your Body Shape Define How Much Attractive Are You?

Do you believe in judging the people at the first glance based on their physical traits? Most of people will answer in denial, but you all know the answers, isn’t kinda funny that accepting the truth is even more harsh.

Yes, we do judge people on the very first meet only by their body shape and looks, we used to make our assumptions about the people based solely on their body shape, age, gender and facial traits.

People judge their first impression on the body shape of others

Defining the others as your first impression based on their body shape whether they’re tall or short, thin or slim, etc., does re-lives in us even today also. There’re so many aspects and examples that are proof as our vision towards them still involves more considerations, because our attitude towards the people whom we’re judging can also influence their mindset. One of the issues raised as body-shaming. It sounds normal, but actually, it is not, so many studies have been taken into consideration where people were bullied because of body-shaming by their colleagues, relatives, friends, classmates even their families.

Body-shaming is not gender specific

We just need to understand that concept of having a natural body size specified in weight, height, size is more hereditary, and this what something is still not appreciated by the people whether they already know about this. If this theory of obesity or malnutrition is not good for the health of the human body, then this goes for both males as well as females. We know many of them are debating or fighting for gender equalities, but this is something which has still not changed in our mind. People who ever have faced this kind of humiliation might have the possibility that they have tried to lose inches in the frustration and commences to harm themselves or put their mind state into the stage of depression.

Stop taking irrelevant advices

“You should lose your weight, else people will laugh at you”, “You should not eat this, this will make you fatter”, “Have stopped eating, that even your bones are see-through now?”, “You should join the gym now, may this will help you!”, “Get some meat to your skin! hahaha..”, “Oh, you have gained more weight than before I guess!”, “Start hanging or jumping rope, might this will help you with your height!” even this also “No one will marry you if you don’t shed some fat, otherwise you look beautiful!”.

These are the common phrases that are hurtful said to the various body types. No human being is created the same, all these phrases are fallen to the none but the body shaming. We have all been subject to criticism or judgment now or before. Even the female athlete has faced this by calling that you look more masculine and muscular, or if a guy is short and is an athlete, then people say “you don’t look like a player when I first saw you”. These catchwords can leave an invisible impact on the suffering people’s conscious, and you just don’t know what next step does he/she take. SO, I possibly advise you to sincerely ignore or distort from all of these opinions showers on you if you’re facing the same.

All bodies are beautiful

Instead of taking all this crap, I only want to say that all bodies are beautiful in their own way. I’ve learned this from someone that if you’re comfortable with your body type, able to do everything that others can do or found no issues within yourselves, then you need to cut on all this which are affecting you physically as well as mentally. And if you still feel the same, then start working on it, if you find yourself attracting more than others than kill it, if you don’t then work on it and prove to yourself. Embrace your abilities and fallbacks, this will make you perfect, not the feeling sad about it. Work on your body to feel sexy, adorable, exuberant, cute. And If you’re good going with your body, then shoot the other’s bullshit out. This is the hardest time to change, if you’ll bring resolution to yourself, you start seeing it on others as well, because you know that changes start within you, it’s just time to implement that!